Wedding Date Dice Game

by Gail
(Kitchener, ON)

This bridal shower game is adapted from a game we play with my husband's family at Christmas.

Buy several small prizes and wrap them (at least one per guest, but no guarantee that everyone will leave with a gift). You will need a pie plate and a pair of dice (or two sets for lots of guests).

Put the gifts in the center of the room. Start the dice with one person. Use numbers from the wedding date (for example, for August 14 I used 8 for the month and 6 because 6+8=14. If the date was August 31, I would have used 8, 3 and 1).

Each time a guest rolls one of the special numbers, they take a wrapped prize from the center, and put it in front of them. When all the prizes are taken, everyone opens them and shows what the prizes are.

Set a timer and play again, with people stealing a prize when they roll a special number. When the timer goes, the prizes go to whoever has them at the time.

Prize ideas - scratch lottery tickets, small kitchen items, inexpensive candles, candle holders, lotions, bath items.

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Jul 10, 2023
by: Anonymous

I have played this game in past wedding showers I have thrown. It is fun and fast paced and when people get to the point of stealing someone else's prize, it gets hilarious! I am so happy I found it on line again. Appreciate you reminding me how it goes down as it's been a few years.
Thanks, Mother of the groom, Patty

Jun 11, 2010
by: Elisabeth Constantine

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