Yes, good question, Diane. I did look around and found this company, which offers the quality I wanted. You know, my girlfriend in her mid-thirty and would appreciate something nicer! It’s a chopstick company specializing in personalized chopsticks, called Chop Chop Sticks on the web ( I remember I purchased 30 pairs to get a good price break & they were something like $6 a pair including the engraving design. All in all, money well spent – I know my girlfriend is loving them and will treasure them many years to come.
Mar 01, 2009 Rating
What a great idea! My bride-to-be friend is not an Asian, but she definitely is an Asian food lover! We always get together eating Thai, Chinese and Sushi. I think she would love having personalized chopsticks as her wedding gift! Thank you for this awesome idea! The ones you got look GREAT, may I ask where you got them from?