Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend.

by Kiera WIlson

Well, my mother and I are both getting married next year...she is on Feb 20th, and I'm on April 3rd. My mum and I have been shopping around for ages for a dress for me, as I had no idea what I really wanted.

There was this beautiful "Princess" dress, and I could never see myself buying it. It was made with Swarovski crystals and waaaay too expensive for me. Anyway, the lady in the shop made me put it on, and to be honest I felt like a princess...truly magical, but it was too much for me. I had budgeted for 1500 and the dress was 5000.

Then the lady says, "I'll give it to you 50% off". I still said no, but my mum said to me..."do you really like the dress"? I said "yes, of course, its just way too much". She said "I have been saving since you were engaged (2yrs ago) for your wedding, and I can cover the rest". I was almost in tears, as my mum isnt really well-to-do. She could have spent it on herself, as she was paying off her wedding dress.

I really would love to be able to give something back to her as she loves things that "sparkle". So, in January I'm throwing her a Bridal Shower called "Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend" and the theme is "sparkles galore".

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Dec 08, 2009
What a beautiful story
by: Tracey

That is soooo lovely. It almost made me cry. I would love to go shopping alongside my daughter for wedding things unfortunately she is a bit too young! Good luck with everything!

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